Recognizing the Signs of Indigestion

Indigestion is uncomfortable, yet can be prevented in many cases with a proper diet and lifestyle. Recognizing the signs is important to eliminate the worry of other, more serious conditions. If you suspect that your relative is suffering from some type of discomfort, talk to his or her in-home care provider to discuss the possibility of indigestion, or to uncover if it is something more serious that needs immediate medical attention.


No two people will experience the same symptoms with indigestion, but one commonality that most people experience is a sense of fullness, pain or discomfort, in the upper part of the abdomen. Some people also suffer from pain that radiates to the back, or even into the chest. Other symptoms, that are not as common, include bloating, nausea and stomach gurgling.


There are a variety of reasons that indigestion occurs that have to do with a senior’s diet. Eating too fast, overeating, or consuming spicy or fattening foods can all contribute. In addition, consuming alcohol, smoking tobacco or consuming large amounts of caffeine can also be a culprit. There are also several underlying medical conditions that can cause indigestion, including ulcers, gallstones and pancreatitis.

How a Caregiver can Help

If your senior relative suffers from indigestion, there are a variety of ways that an in-home care service can help. By providing mealtime companionship, the professional can ensure that the senior is thoroughly chewing his or her food, eating slowly enough, not eating too much, and not eating too close to bedtime. When these precautions are taken, the chances of indigestion might be reduced, keeping seniors more comfortable and able to enjoy their meals.

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