Moving to Assisted Living: Three Tips
Moving an elderly parent or loved one to an assisted living facility takes careful planning and patience. Making the transition to assisted living is more than just boxing up a few things and transporting them to your loved one’s new home – it also has quite a few other emotional and practical elements that need to be considered. When preparing to help your loved one move to assisted living, think about the following:
- Including your loved one in the planning and execution of the move as much as possible will help make the transition easier. Many seniors moving to assisted living may feel frustrated as they feel that their autonomy is being taken away. Including your loved one in the decision-making process – giving him or her input on the move date and schedule, as well as what to bring, will help them be more accepting of the move.
- Helping your loved one establish a familiar environment in his or her new residence will also make the transition easier. Taking along some familiar items – even ones you may think are unnecessary – will help your loved one feel more at home at the assisted living facility. Once he or she is settled in, your senior may be more receptive to getting rid of some clutter.
- Keeping all medication in order is also an important part of moving an elderly loved one. Make sure all medication is taken on schedule in the time leading up to move-in, and be sure to have a chat with the assisted living facility staff about your loved one’s medications and when they should be taking them.
By taking into account a few of these tips, you can make your senior’s transition into an assisted living facility much smoother and less hectic. Take it one step at a time, and make sure to keep in contact with your loved one so they know that you are thinking about them.