Making Seniors Feel Needed

For some people, as they age, they start to feel less needed. While everyone is affected differently, some seniors might start to experience symptoms of depression as a result, especially if they live alone. As a caregiver for your beloved senior, there are many ways that you can make him or her feel needed. Even the simplest tasks can help keep your loved one busy, keeping their mind sharp and their body active, all of which provide the recipe for healthy senior years.

Ways you Can Help

Household Chores – Even if you or a professional from a home care agency are in charge of handling the chores around your senior’s home, it does not mean that they can’t help. Put them to work doing chores that they can handle. A few simple tasks include washing or drying dishes, ironing or folding laundry are great tasks, even if they can only handle a few short minutes of helping.

Paperwork – If you have a long distance situation, put your senior to work mailing occasional letters, pictures or sending small gifts to the grandchildren. If you print out pictures, have your senior relative sort through them for you. When the mail comes, you can have him or her sit at the table and open it and sort it. If they need help with the bills or other important paperwork, you can assist when needed.

Garden – If a favorite hobby was always gardening, let your senior help to their ability. Don’t stress them out by giving tasks that are too hard on their body, but don’t eliminate them from the project either. Let your senior dictate what they can and can’t handle, this will help them feel more in control.

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