Keeping a Senior’s Home Comfortable in the Summer

Summer will be upon us before we know it which means it is time to perform summer maintenance on your home as well as your senior relative’s home. Your senior’s comfort and health are very important, especially during times of extreme temperatures. If you are your relative’s caregiver or he or she has a professional that offers home health care, it is important to ensure that your relative cares for him or herself during extreme temperatures, including eating and drinking the appropriate amount. In addition, it is important to have routine air conditioning maintenance completed to increase their level of comfort this summer.

  • Cleaning the AC – Simply having a professional come out and clean the air conditioner unit at your relative’s home can help ensure that the unit runs efficiently and does not filter in dust, debris and even mold spores into their home. The presence of these items can exacerbate any respiratory issues that they might already have and can reduce any potential health issues from breathing in mold spores.
  • Repairing Early – Sometimes an inspection of an AC unit will show problems that could cause a sudden breakdown. Whether the technician finds worn out or corroded parts or a part that is simply going to break down, it is best to find it now before the temperatures are too hot. This can eliminate an untimely emergency, trying to get your relative’s unit fixed or moving him or her to a more comfortable place until it can be fixed.
  • Saving Money – If you have your relative’s AC unit cleaned and repaired, it will help it work more efficiently which will help keep costly electric bills down this summer as you try to keep the home comfortable for your relative.
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