Helping Seniors Stay in Touch

Communication is a crucial component of everyone’s life, both young and old. In today’s busy world, it can get overlooked, causing some people to become lonely. In order to avoid your senior relative from feeling left out or lonely, there are a variety of ways to help them reach out and stay in touch with loved ones, whether near or far.

Teaching Technology

Today’s technology makes it possible for everyone to stay in touch from almost anywhere. While technology used to be a word that many seniors avoided, it is becoming increasingly easier to teach anyone to use today’s user friendly methods of staying in touch.

  • Email – If your senior relative has a computer, it is fairly easy to set them up with a free email account. This enables them to write as often as they wish to children, grandchildren and other relatives. This also allows them to share and view pictures much more often than would normally be possible, especially with distant relatives.
  • Text Messaging – Texting is becoming a very common method of communication for everyone. Supplying your relative with a simple to use cell phone that has texting capabilities can help everyone stay in touch. Even just a quick text each night to let your relative know that you are thinking of them and want to check in can make a huge difference in a person’s life.
  • Social Media – Many seniors are jumping on the social media bandwagon in order to stay in touch with relatives. This offers a great way for them to see many pictures and see constant updates of their relatives, helping them to feel more in tune with family members during their busy lives.

It is rather easy to get seniors set up with today’s technology, enabling the feeling of distant companionship that doesn’t require a large time commitment. Either you or an in-home care provider can help with this non-medical home care that can make a huge difference in a senior’s life.

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