Breaking Down Myths About Alzheimer’s Disease
Alzheimer’s disease is a form of dementia. It causes people to have difficulty with memory, communication, and focus. As the disease progresses, they may become easily confused or disoriented and have trouble completing basic tasks. Unfortunately, scientists are not entirely sure what causes Alzheimer’s or why some people develop it and others don’t. It can be frustrating to watch a loved one struggle with Alzheimer’s, and there are still so many myths and misconceptions that surround the disease.
June is Alzheimer’s and Brain Awareness Month, so we’re tackling some of the myths that exist about Alzheimer’s:
Only seniors develop Alzheimer’s disease. While it is true that Alzheimer’s tends to affect people as they get older – usually in their 60s or later, there are those who are impacted by early-onset Alzheimer’s. They may begin showing symptoms as early as their 30s. Though early-onset Alzheimer’s is less common, it does it occur.
Alzheimer’s can be slowed or cured. There is currently no cure for this disease. While some medications may ease the progression of symptoms, this is typically only temporary lasting for a few months or a year on average. And they do not work for everyone who takes them. However, scientists are continually searching for new treatments as they learn more about the disease.
Alzheimer’s and dementia are the same. Dementia is an umbrella term for a group of symptoms that affect memory, communication, and reasoning. There are many different types of dementia, and Alzheimer’s is just one of them. Just because someone has dementia does not mean they have Alzheimer’s disease, but they might.
Memory loss is a normal part of aging. It is common to forget things now and then, but significant problems that take a toll on your ability to carry out daily tasks are not normal. There can be many issues that impact memory, but with Alzheimer’s disease, forgetfulness and confusion are more persistent and affect many aspects of a person’s daily life.
Aluminum, aspartame, silver fillings, or flu shots can cause Alzheimer’s. These are old wives’ tales. Scientists have conducted extensive research on these claims and have discovered no conclusive evidence that these substances increase risk of developing Alzheimer’s. While genetics may play a role, they are not the sole cause, and researchers are not sure exactly what causes the changes in the brain that leads to Alzheimer’s disease. It is a complex condition.
Living with Alzheimer’s disease or dementia can be challenging, but there is help available. Support from an in-home caregiver can help individuals to continue aging in place more safely and comfortably. The professionals at Always Best Care are specially trained to provide Alzheimer’s and dementia care and know how to effectively and compassionately respond to the challenges that individuals face. Families don’t have to try to do everything on their own. Call Always Best Care today at (855) 470-2273 to schedule a free consultation and learn more about how in-home care can benefits seniors with Alzheimer’s disease.