How to Prepare Your Senior Loved One for a Doctor Visit

How to Prepare Your Senior Loved One for a Doctor VisitIt’s a fact of life for seniors that going to the doctor is a regular occurrence. When people get older, their bodies become more fragile, and they often become more susceptible to disease and other illnesses. And when illnesses are contracted, they tend to last longer than they did when they were younger.

Senior care means keeping seniors as healthy as possible — and today’s seniors are healthier than any previous generation of older individuals — so if you’re caring for an older loved one, you’ve got to have some tricks up your sleeve to ensure that your parent or grandparent gets the expert care they need — when they need it.

Doctor visits are absolutely crucial for the health of seniors, but older individuals need to be prepared properly before heading to the hospital or clinic.

Here are some of the ways you can help your senior loved one prepare for their next trip to the doctor’s office:

Make Yourself Available to Accompany Your Loved One

Doctors tend to communicate more effectively when there is a third party in the room, and it’s always nice for seniors to have another set of ears available so they can understand and synthesize doctors’ orders. When you help your loved one set an appointment time, make sure that it fits in with your calendar, too.

Don’t Rush!

Whether you’re accompanying your loved one to the appointment or not, it’s important to have transportation arranged well ahead of schedule. It’s also critical that you stress the importance of leaving the house with plenty of time available to make it to the appointment on time. No one needs the extra stress that comes from rushing — especially not seniors!

Stay on Top of Medical Info and Records

Make sure all of your loved one’s medications are accounted for, and be sure that you are aware of any changes to insurance or record keeping. This can make the whole day move much more smoothly.

Make a List of Questions and Concerns

When it’s time to see the doctor, it’s good to have your list of questions and concerns ready. Otherwise, you run the risk of remembering your big questions at the worst possible time — on the trip home. If you aren’t accompanying your loved one, be sure to help them compile the list so they are well prepared to see their medical professional.

Being Open to Doctor Recommendations

Sometimes seniors have the reputation of being stubborn and unwilling to change their ways. But when it comes to taking the advice of their doctors, they can’t afford to be so rigid. You can help by preparing your senior for the advice they might hear, and priming them to make the changes in lifestyle and health that will allow them to live their best lives in their senior years.

For More Information

Always Best Care is a leader in senior care, and we understand the anxieties that seniors face when it comes to receiving health care. If you’re wondering how you can get some assistance for a senior loved one who still lives at home, please don’t hesitate to contact us with your questions and concerns. Just dial 1 (855) 470-CARE (2273) to be connected with one of our experts!