Always Best Care Warns Against “Pension Poachers” in VA Benefits Program!
Roseville, CA (July 11, 2012)
The Veterans’ Administration’s enhanced pension with aid and attendance (commonly called Aid and Attendance or A&A) is designed to provide a pension for needy elderly veterans and/or their spouses to assist with essential daily activities they cannot afford on their own. According to Always Best Care Senior Services, this money increases the quality of life for tens of thousands of elderly veterans.
Always Best Care is one of the nation’s leading providers of non-medical in-home care, assisted living placement services and skilled home health care. The company delivers its services through an international network of more than 200 independently owned and operated franchises and area representative offices.
According to a VA-issued statement announcing hearings held by U.S. Senator Ron Wyden and U.S. Senator Herb Kohl, Aging Committee Chairman, problems with the design and administration of the program have led to a growing industry of predatory financial planners and attorneys who are using the Aid and Attendance program to target vulnerable seniors and sell them inappropriate financial instruments, an.
The VA warns that these “pension poachers” convince senior veterans they are entitled to a pension for which they would not otherwise qualify. In order to claim that money the poacher will then sell the senior financial tools that will make them appear in need of this assistance. To help guard against these “poachers,” the VA requires that any person providing assistance and advice to veterans in relation to VA benefit programs be accredited by the VA.
Always Best Care has partnered with the Center for Elder Veterans Rights to provide special services to veterans seeking funds to apply toward in-home care and the cost of residing in an assisted living community. The Center for Elder Veterans Rights practices only Veterans law, and does not engage in any other form of law which could create “billable” hours – and thus a conflict with VA’s mandates regarding charges to veterans. The CFEVR does no financial planning which involves the purchase of a financial product (i.e. annuity).
Additionally, CFEVR’s attorney is accredited by the VA General Counsel.
Always Best Care warns veterans to be aware of with whom they are dealing, and to guard against “pension poachers” whose agenda is to sell financial products which are not necessary for the veteran to obtain VA benefits.
For more information, contact the nearest Always Best Care office (a complete listing of offices is available at, or Carol Dale at the Center for Elder Veterans Rights, toll-free at 800-394-1676.
For information on Always Best Care franchise opportunities, contact Steve Marcus, Vice President, Franchise Development, at [email protected], or visit
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About Always Best Care
Always Best Care Senior Services, (, founded in 1996 by Michael Newman, is based on the belief that having the right people for the right level of care means peace of mind for the client and family. Always Best Care Senior Services has assisted over 25,000 seniors, representing a wide range of illnesses and personal needs. This has established the company as one of the premier providers of in-home care, assisted living placement assistance, and skilled home health care. Franchise opportunities are available to individuals interested in leveraging the company’s clear strategy and proven track record for delivering affordable, dependable service to area seniors.
Barry J. Parrish
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