Adaptive Clothing Provides Convenience for Elder Care
Alzheimer’s disease can make commonplace tasks most of us take for granted difficult, leading to frustration and exacerbation of symptoms in people affected by this illness. Senior care professionals can help patients with Alzheimer’s accomplish tasks such as dressing more easily, with adaptive clothing.
Adaptive clothing is clothing made to help people with various disabilities, or who are elderly and struggle with dressing because of motor skill problems. The clothing replaces harder-to-manipulate buttons and zippers, with Velcro, to help patients more easily dress themselves, or to help an elder care provider or other caregiver dress them. The more easily that Alzheimer’s patients can dress and undress themselves, the less likely it will be that they will become frustrated or depressed over their inability to do something that once came easily.
Clothing makers manufacture a variety of helpful adaptive clothing solutions for Alzheimer’s patients, including anti-slip socks, front-closing blouses, jumpsuits, front-closing bras, Velcro slippers and shoes, and more. Elder care providers will find adaptive clothing quite helpful, as it allows them to quickly dress and undress their charges.
Other adaptive clothing appropriate for Alzheimer’s care includes clothing with extra buttons, pockets, or string. Alzheimer’s patients in advanced stages of the disease can become fidgety, and this form of adaptive clothing helps to keep them occupied. This helps them avoid becoming frustrated, which can exacerbate symptoms or lead to inappropriate behavior.
Always Best Care Senior Services offers in-home care, as well as assisted living and Alzheimer’s/dementia care, all over the nation. Call us to find out more about our services at 1-855-470-2273.