Dealing with Resistance to Care

Elder coupleDealing with resistance to care is a major concern for elderly care providers and their families. It can be the cause of much frustration and angst, as the need to balance loved ones’ requirements for care and safety with their personal dignity and choices can be difficult. Finding strategies to reduce friction between the elderly and their caregivers, whether it’s family members or home care workers, is key to making this work.

Understanding the standpoint of people in need of care is important to working to reduce resistance to care. Needing care makes many older people feel like they’re losing control of their lives. Finding ways to reassure your loved one can help reduce resistant to care.

Addressing the need for care early on can help with this issue. By talking about your loved one’s specific needs, you can help convince him or her that care is necessary and reduce resistance to non-medical home care and other forms of care.

Timing is everything, concerning this discussion, so be sure to pick a time to speak when your loved one is relaxed and in a good mood.

Take your loved one’s preferences into consideration when arranging care is important. Try to find a senior care professional that is simpatico with your loved one’s personality. Also, find a level of care that fits into your loved one’s lifestyle.

Getting other family members on board is essential. Their support can help convince your senior to cooperate.

Always Best Care connects seniors and their families with quality assisted living and home care services. To find out more, call 1-855-470-CARE.