Establishing a Good Relationship with Elder Care Staff

One of the key selling points of any assisted living facility is the quality of its staff. The best facilities have staff members that are professionally trained, enthusiastic about working with older people, and understanding of the concerns of the residents and their families. Establishing a good working relationship with the staff of your loved one’s assisted living facility will help you ensure he or she gets the best care possible.

When moving your loved one into an assisted living facility, take the time to get to know the people who will be helping to take care of your parent, spouse or other loved one. Don’t just say hello to management; get to know the folks who will be regularly interacting with your loved one, including care workers and activities directors.

Be sure to provide thorough information about your loved one to facility staff. Give them lists of preferred foods, medications, activities, hobbies and more. The more information staff has about your loved one, the better they will be able to take care of him or her.

When visiting your loved one, be sure to greet staff by name and make small talk with them. You’d be surprised at how far simple courtesy can go to establishing good relations.

If you need to raise a concern or make a complaint, do it in a constructive matter. Bring your issue to the appropriate party and take a collaborative approach to resolving the issue. A combative or pushy attitude just isn’t helpful.