Broaching the Subject of Assisted Living with a Loved One
It can be a challenge to bring up the subject of assisted living or in-home care with an elderly loved one who doesn’t want or feel the need for such help. There are a variety of reasons for resistance to care. Your loved one may be dealing with feelings of loss of independence, because of physical or mental limitations, and may feel scared or vulnerable. Your loved one may be feeling guilty about burdening family, or could be worried about the cost of assisted care. He or she may simply be stubborn, or see accepting help as a sign of weakness.
Finding the Best Way to Approach Your Loved One
As a family member and caregiver, you may be feeling reluctant to broach the subject with your loved one because past conversations have not gone well, or because you suspect your loved one will not respond positively to the initial suggestion. Here are some ways to start the communication process about living assistance with your loved one:
Choose a Calm Time
It’s important that you and your loved one are both relaxed at the time you bring up the subject of assistance. If either of you is anxious or stressed, you may not be fully receptive to the other.
Solicit Help from Family Members
While your loved one may be reluctant about the idea of assistance presented by you, alone, he or she may be more persuaded by several family members.
Make Sure to Ask about Your Loved One’s Preferences
Ask your loved one about the type of care they want. It’s important to understand and acknowledge your loved one’s preferences, even if you are unable to fully accommodate them.
Explain Your Needs
Ask your loved one to consider how assisted living will help you. You can’t effectively help others if your own needs aren’t being met.
Seek Professional Help
If your loved one is resistant to the idea of in-home care or assisted living, it might be helpful to enlist the help of a doctor or care professional who may be able to persuade your loved one to seek care.
Explain How Assistance Could Actually Prolong Independence
In-home care can prolong your loved one’s independence, by allowing him or her to stay in their home for longer.
If, after your initial discussion, your loved one is still resistant to receiving care, it’s important not to give up. With gentle persistence, in time you may convince your loved one that assistance is in the best interest of everyone involved. Always Best Care offers in-home care services, as well as assisted living services, across the nation. Call us today to find out how we may be able to help your family at 1-855-470-2273.