The Benefits of Hiring a Senior Service Company

The conversation with an aging parent about having someone come into the home to help is usually not an easy one. Factors of comfort, cleanliness and safety are typically the key motivators involved. The triumphant moment of the senior’s expressed cooperation with the idea of “getting help” feels like crossing the verbal finishing line. But, in reality, it just the baton-pass to the next set of considerations in the care of the aging parent. The top consideration being, “Who will be the caregiver?” More importantly, “Where will I find one?”

One approach that is commonly used is to hire a senior service company. Senior service companies, like Always Best Care Senior Services, can offer a range of assistance from basic companion services to monitoring vital signs and oxygen support under the supervision of a licensed professional.

According to Nicole Akins, who is a Franchise Owner for Always Best Care in Sacramento, California, convenience is usually the main reason families choose a service over privately hiring a friend or neighbor. Senior Care company owners, like Akins, believes that there are several other reasons families should consider using a senior service company. Some of the reasons to consider using a professional service are below.

  1. Time – The process of running an advertisement, collecting resumes, interviewing and supervising the start of a new helper can be very time consuming particularly if the family has no experience in these hiring activities. Often this process may take longer than the actual care of the loved one on a weekly basis. This could leave the family member feeling frustrated in an already difficult situation.
  2. Personal Safety – A common policy of legitimate senior service companies, such as Always Best Care Senior Services, is to perform background checks, obtain both personal & professional references, and in some cases a physical exam which includes a screening of communicable diseases such as a TB to protect seniors. These policies work to prevent possible harm to the elderly by restricting exposure to individuals with negative reports
  3. Financial Security – Quality Senior Care Companies use Workman’s Compensation programs as well as insurance to replace any damaged or lost goods in the elderly person’s home. These programs and policies can alleviate any personal property claims on the senior’s home owner’s policy and free them from any financial obligation if a worker gets hurt in their home or household items are damaged or lost.
  4. Support – Senior Service Companies train employees to handle issues associated with
    care giving. In addition, they can provide trained “back-up” with additional staffing if
    the primary caregiver is ill or unavailable. This can be particularly useful for seniors
    whose family member work or are out of town. Also, many companies offer
    information on senior related resources in the community if you are dealing with a
    particular condition or illness.

Overall, there are many reasons for families to choose to work with a senior services company. But perhaps the most important reason is that reputable senior service companies focus on safety and comfort of a family’s loved one. If you would like to learn more about how to hire a senior service company to provide care for your loved one, contact your local Always Best Care Office or visit to find an office near you.

Angela T. Graczyk, RN, is a Franchise Operations Trainer and Registered Nurse at Always Best Care Senior Services. Through its network of independently owned and operated franchises, Always Best Care Senior Services provides non-medical in-home care, assisted living placement and skilled home health care for seniors across the country. Visit Always Best Care Senior Services at

Always Best Care Senior Services

Always Best Care Senior Services ( is based on the belief that having the right people for the right level of care means peace of mind for the client and family. Always Best Care Senior Services has assisted over 25,000 seniors, representing a wide range of illnesses and personal needs. This has established the company as one of the premier providers of in-home care, assisted living placement assistance, and skilled home health care.

October, 2010

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