Tips for Adjusting to a Big Move

Sometimes a senior has to move from his or her home, temporarily or permanently, after experiencing a serious medical problem or when they can no longer take care of themselves.

Moving is difficult at any age, but having to change residences can be very difficult for older people, especially those who have lived on their own for a long time, or who have been in their home for nearly a lifetime. Here are a few tips to make adjusting to a big move easier…

  • Make the move because it is the best thing for you. Do not move because it is the
    right thing to do for your children.
  • Invite your friends and family to help you sort through your memorabilia as you pack.
    Take the time to explain the significance of important pieces as you pack them.
  • Hire a moving company that specializes in relocating seniors. These professionals
    can help you pack the items you have collected over the course of your lifetime.
  • Do not be surprised if the first couple of weeks are tough. Whether you move into
    your child’s home or to an assisted living facility, you should expect there to
    be an adjustment period for everyone. Allow yourself and your new roommates the
    time to acclimate to the new living arrangement.
  • Find new ways to stay in touch with your friends and family. Create a Facebook page,
    learn how to use Twitter, or purchase a cell phone. Ask them to come over to
    help hang pictures, unpack boxes, or just enjoy a cup of coffee.
  • Participate in activities in your new surroundings. Fold clothes, dine with others, play
    cards, and do whatever the others are doing in your new home.
  • Try to keep the same hours as those in your new household. This will help you stay
    connected to the people with whom you share your home.

For more tips on helping seniors with the activities of daily living, contact your
nearest Always Best Care office toll-free at 1-855-470-CARE (2273).

Always Best Care Senior Services

Always Best Care Senior Services ( ) is based on the belief that having the right people for the right level of care means peace of mind for the client and family. Always Best Care Senior Services has assisted over 25,000 seniors, representing a wide range of illnesses and personal needs. This has established the company as one of the premier providers of in-home care, assisted living placement assistance, and skilled home health care in the United States.

January, 2014

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