Eye Care for Senior Citizens

Your vision is important to you. As you age, you are more likely to experience trouble with your eyesight, including cataracts, macular degeneration, dry eye, and spots or “floaters.” You might have already noticed trouble seeing in low light, driving at night, and discerning color. Other age-related conditions, like diabetes and high blood pressure, can worsen your vision.

By age 65, about one in three Americans has a vision problem. Early detection and prompt treatment reduces the risk for serious and chronic vision impairment. Check with your eye doctor any time you notice changes in your vision, especially after an illness or learning that you have a significant medical condition. Your optometrist will check for eye disease secondary to these illnesses.

If you are over the age of 60, you should have dilated eye exams once a year – more often if you have diabetes, hypertension, or other conditions that increase the likelihood of vision impairment. During a dilated eye exam, which is the test for macular degeneration, the optometrist uses eye drops to dilate your pupils. Dilation gives the eye doctor a clear view of your retina, the light-sensitive lining at the back of the eye.

You should also receive a glaucoma test at your yearly checkup. The optometrist will also check your visual acuity to see if you need a new prescription for your glasses.

Finding an eye doctor in your area is easy. Well-qualified home care aides can suggest optometrists who specialize in senior care and may even have information on where you can get free eye care.

Do not let time rob you of your vision – get a yearly eye exam so you can see all the beauty life has to offer. For more information, contact the Always Best Care office nearest you by calling toll-free 1-855-470-CARE (2273).

Always Best Care Senior Services

Always Best Care Senior Services (www.alwaysbestcare.com)is based on the belief that having the right people for the right level of care means peace of mind for the client and family. Always Best Care Senior Services has assisted over 25,000 seniors, representing a wide range of illnesses and personal needs. This has established the company as one of the premier providers of in-home care, assisted living placement assistance, and skilled home health care in the United States.

January, 2014
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