Senior home care: yoga for stress relief

While the common perception of a yoga practitioner is a youngster with near-superhuman flexibility, the reality is people of all different ages can reap the many physical and psychological benefits of incorporating yoga into their lives.

Seniors, for instance, can find practices tailored to their age group. Whether you receive senior home care or reside in an assisted living facility, yoga is increasingly accessible.

Incorporating yoga into your senior home care plan

If you haven’t undertaken an exercise regime for some time, it’s essential that you start out slowly. You should also get your GP’s OK.

Not sure where to start your search for the right seniors yoga class? Try retirement communities, senior centers, health clubs and even religious groups – everyone’s realizing the benefits of yoga these days.

Types of yoga to complement your senior home care plan 

There are an ever-growing number of yoga streams that may be suitable for seniors. Gentle Hatha, for example, can be a good introduction, while Iyengar utilizes props, thus working well with the body’s limitations.

To learn more about incorporating yoga into your senior home care plan, contact a member of the Always Best Care team today at 1-855-470-2733.


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