Finding Time for Yourself
When you provide elderly care for a loved one, it can consume your entire life. You find yourself overtaxed with appointments, chores and every day caregiving tasks. When is there time for you? Just as a parent of small children needs to find time for themselves, whether it is 10 minutes or a few hours – the same is true for caregivers for the elderly.
Things you Can Do
Don’t let guilt take over your ability to do something for yourself. Just twenty minutes a day to yourself can revive you and make you feel as if you are able to take on the tasks that senior care requires. There are numerous things you can do for yourself; here are a few ideas to get you started:
- Read a book
- Take a walk
- Get a pedicure or manicure
- Explore a nature center
- Call a friend
- Visit a friend in person
- Go shopping
The time you take for yourself doesn’t have to be lengthy or expensive, simply make it time away for you. It should be time that you forget about all of your worries and focus on giving yourself time to revive and feel like yourself once again. The happier you feel, the better elderly care you are able to provide.