5 Simple Home-Improvement Ideas for Increased Senior Safety

5 Simple Home-Improvement Ideas for Increased Senior SafetySeniors these days prefer to stay at home in their post retirement lives. Not long ago, nursing homes and other such facilities represented the next step in senior life for those who could no longer manage on their own. Today, however, our aging population is living longer — and staying at home longer — than any previous generation, preferring to live in a way that allows them to retain their routines with the help of loving family members, friends and specially trained caregivers, like those employed by Always Best Care. Staying at home not only requires the help of caring individuals; it also often requires changes and improvements to the home.

Are you concerned about a senior loved one’s ability to stay safe at home? Have a look at these five home-improvement ideas for increased senior safety! They are relatively easy to implement, and they will give you and your loved ones increased peace of mind.

#1 — Install Lever-Style Doorknobs

Opening and closing doors is something that most of us take for granted. But for seniors, it can become a real chore. Replacing traditional, round doorknobs with lever-style knobs can make a huge difference. The lever style is much easier to operate, especially for seniors who may suffer from arthritis or other common maladies that affect bones, joints and motor skills.

#2 — Install Grab Bars in the Bathroom

For many seniors, the bathroom is one of the most dangerous rooms in the house — if not the most dangerous. Providing grab bars near the toilet and in the shower/bath enclosure can give seniors something to hang onto when they find themselves in awkward positions. Grab bars can be purchased and installed for very little money, too, making this improvement an easy one to implement.

#3 — Remove Unnecessary Furniture

Sometimes seniors accumulate so much furniture that their homes turn into obstacle courses. One way to make the home a safer and more comfortable space for living is to evaluate the furniture and determine if any of it can be removed. This process engages the senior, and it ultimately makes the home easier and safer to navigate.

5 Simple Home-Improvement Ideas for Increased Senior Safety#4 — Let there Be Light!

Accidents often happen because people don’t see where they’re going. This is true on the road, but it’s also true in many seniors’ homes. Using bright, energy-efficient bulbs can make a significant difference in the probability of an accident or a fall. Inspect your loved one’s home and see if you can replace bulbs and adjust fixtures so that all activities are well lit. Consider installing motion-detecting night lights, too, for extra illumination.

#5 — Make Sure Rugs Don’t Slip

Rugs that slip around on smooth surfaces are accidents waiting to happen, no matter how deftly your senior loved one handles them. You can purchase new, anti slip rugs inexpensively, or simply use caulk or grip tape to make the rugs less slippery — and much less dangerous!

Learn More

If you’re interested in learning more about how you can make your loved one’s home safer, Always Best Care is here to help! Call us today at 1 (855) 470-CARE (2273) for more information.