Senior Safety In the Kitchen: Do’s and Don’ts

Senior Safety In the Kitchen: Do's and Don'tsThe kitchen is the heart of any home, but it’s also one of the most potentially dangerous spaces in a typical dwelling. During special times of the year such as holidays, the kitchen sees much more activity than usual, too, creating even more potential danger. We’ve talked about senior safety in the kitchen before, but it’s helpful to know some “Do’s and Don’ts” so the seniors in your life – and in your care – can participate fully while remaining safe and secure during the holiday season and any other time of year.

Preparing for Kitchen Safety

A number of safety tips apply to what you should do before you even start cooking or socializing in the kitchen. Here are a few key do’s and don’ts to help you and the seniors in your life prepare properly:

DO – Keep the kitchen lit with bright light
DON’T – Wear loose, flowing or billowy clothing, no matter how festive!
DO – Make sure surfaces are clean and uncluttered – especially the floor
DON’T – Keep heavy, bulky pots and pans in hard-to-reach cabinets
DO – Stock up on unbreakable glasses and plates for guests to prevent dangers associated with broken glass and China
DON’T – Leave knives and other utensils in places where they can cause danger, especially when children or the elderly are present
DO – Make sure all outlets have been checked and approved by a licensed electrician

Food Safety

In the spirit of proper preparation, here are some do’s and don’ts that will help you ensure that the delicious delights that come from the kitchen cause no harm to you, your loved ones or your guests:

DO – Keep vegetables and meats in sealed containers
DON’T – Use the same cutting board for meats and other food items; keep veggies and meats separate!
DO – Check the temperature of your refrigerator and freezer regularly
DON’T – Keep leftovers and other items around if there’s any doubt their freshness

When The Heat Is On

These final do’s and don’ts address kitchen safety for times when things are really cooking:

Senior Safety In the Kitchen: Do's and Don'tsDO – Keep cleaning continuously as you prepare food; letting messes grow and get out of control is a sure way to make the kitchen a setting for accidents.
DON’T – Leave food unattended while cooking, even for just a second to greet guests or catch the score of the game.
DO – Use potholders, handles and both hands, and remember to only tackle one kitchen task at a time
DON’T – Forget to set timers and be aware of all activity happening on the stove, in the slow cooker, in the microwave in the oven and elsewhere; assign duties to family members and friends, if necessary!
DO – Ask people nicely to leave the kitchen if it’s getting too crowded
DON’T – Let imbibing of alcoholic beverages get in the way of being safe
DO – Make sure to enjoy yourself, the food you prepare and the people you’ve invited to share time and create memories!

More Advice and Care for Senior Safety at Home

Are you looking for more help and assistance with an aging loved one who wants to stay at home? We’re here to help you? Give Always Best Care a call today at 1-855-470-CARE (2273) and find out how you can get a free consultation!