Seeing the Signs – How to Tell if Your Elderly Loved One Needs Help
People grow up becoming accustomed to their parents being strong, dependable and independent. Unfortunately, the aging process can diminish certain qualities in our loved ones, but we don’t always know how to tell when it’s time to step in and offer extra help or care. Moreover, the people who raised us aren’t usually too keen on letting us know that they can’t do it all alone anymore.
If you’re wondering if you need to step in and offer help when it comes to the care of an aging loved one, here are some signs to look for.
Raiding the Fridge
How is your elderly loved one eating? Are they getting enough of the right nutrition, or are they subsisting on easy-to-prepare but nutritionally bankrupt processed foods? Check out the refrigerator and pantry to see if Mom or Dad is eating right. If not, it’s time to intervene.
Bills, Bills, Bills!
If your parent has always kept up with bills and other responsibilities, but seems to be slipping, you may need to step in to offer your assistance. Are you seeing piles of unpaid bills around the house or letters indicating that they contain “urgent” notices? Is the answering machine filled with messages from accounting departments and bill collectors? It could be a sign that the ability to keep up with finances is slipping.
The House Is a Mess
Is your loved one’s home kept neat, clean and orderly? Or is dust piling up along with empty boxes and other debris? Perhaps keeping up with a regular cleaning schedule has gotten to be too much for your elderly loved one. If that’s the case, it’s time to have a discussion about obtaining help with chores around the house.
A Certain Smell
Bathing, brushing and taking care of one’s personal hygiene is important, but it actually takes a lot of work. For some seniors, it’s just too much. When hygiene becomes less of a priority, you may notice the evidence in your nostrils as a distinct, unpleasant smell. Whether laundry has become too massive a chore or bathing sessions are skipped due to fears of falling, help is needed when hygiene routines begin to slip.
Learn More About the Signs
Would you like to know more about helping your aging loved one when you notice the signs of decline? Always Best Care is here to help! Call us today at 1-(855) 470-CARE (2273). We’re here to help!