8 Amazing Activities Seniors and Kids Can Do Together

8 Amazing Activities Seniors and Kids Can Do TogetherThe holiday season has come and gone, and the calendar that was once so full of events and activity has become empty. For seniors, this can be a lonely time. However, it’s also a tough time for kids who have just experienced the magical wonder of family time during the holidays, but now have to go back to their own daily routines.

Thankfully, these two groups (seniors and kids) have more in common than most people might think. With that in mind, here is a list of activities that members of the elderly population can enjoy with their younger counterparts:

#1 – Arts & Crafts Projects
Crafting is cool! Just take a look at Pinterest or perform a Google search to find some amazing projects that can help aging individuals connect with their more youthful friends and family members.

#2 – Baking and Cooking
Everybody loves to eat, and working together to prepare some simple recipes is a wonderful way for seniors to exchange wisdom with their grandchildren.

#3 – Enjoy Nature
Regardless of age, spending time in nature is one of the most healthy things a person can do. Short walks in the woods are perfect for seniors and ideal for children who might get bored or restless during longer periods of time spent outdoors.

#4 – Playing Games
Playing games together is lots of fun for both seniors and kids. Today, people can choose classic board games, or kids can introduce their grandparents to simple puzzles and games that can be played on smartphones or tablets. The possibilities are limitless!

#5 – Reading Together
Story time isn’t just for those under the age of five or six. Everybody loves stories, and when they’re shared between seniors and children, some real magic happens!

#6 – Playing Music
8 Amazing Activities Seniors and Kids Can Do TogetherSitting down together at the piano to play a simple song or two is a great way for seniors and youngsters to share time together. Music opens up the heart and the brain, plus it’s a language that brings people together, regardless of generation.

#7 – Look at (and Talk About) Family Photos
Looking at pictures can make the time fly, but it’s also a great avenue through which seniors can pass down their wisdom — and memories — to the younger generation.

#8 – Just Be Together
Sometimes it’s perfectly okay to simply sit and be together. Seniors and children are more alike than they are different, and a lot can be shared by just spending quiet time in the same space. Through this practice, children can learn the value of patience and contemplation while seniors get a chance to see the future before it has a chance to grow up.

Active, Happy Seniors with Always Best Care

Are you interested in learning more about activities that can keep seniors engaged and interested in their lives? Do you need advice when it comes to making meaningful connections when a parent or aging loved one starts to show signs of dementia? Always Best Care and our team of expert caregivers is here for you! Give us a call today at 1 (855) 470-CARE (2273) for your FREE consultation!